Ohmygod! I leave in 8 days and still have like a million things to do! I haven't even started about packing yet, probably not the best idea. I am going to miss everyone and almost everything about MN, but I'll survive even though I'm missing Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, my birthday, and Easter all in one fell swoop. If you ever feel like you need to get away you are more than welcome to come visit me in London. I'll put all of my contact information at the bottom. Well, until I get there, this is it! I'll write when I can find a computer in London.
Christine Johnson
c/o Incoming Programmes Dept.
16 Bowling Green Lane
London EC1R 0QH
United Kingdom
Free Voicemail: 1-800-706-1333,Press *, then 2, Account #7211219038546
E-mail: cljohnsonuk@gmail.com
AIM: lucky00013
MSN: cljohnsonuk@hotmail.com
Blog: http://christineinlondon05-06.blogspot.com/
Bebo (Facebook for big kids): http://cljohnsonuk.bebo.com
Where Are You Now? (Travel log website): http://member.wayn.com/cljohnsonuk