Greenwich today! Chris, Chad, and I took a little day trip out to Greenwich. We saw the Cutty Sark, which is an old tea clipper ship. We also went through the Greenwich Foot Tunnel which connects Greenwich and the Isle of Dogs in the Docklands. It was a little scary because it's been open since 1902! It also looked something like a submarine on the inside, which was slightly disconcerting. Once back in Greenwich we went through the market and the Royal Navel College/University of Greenwich on the way to the National Maritime Museum. Inside the museum we went throught the explorers' exhibit and played with some things before getting a snack. Our next stop was the Royal Observatory which is up the hill in Greenwich Park. Up at the observatory there is an excellent view of London, not quite as good as Hampstead Heath, but still amazing! Then onto the observatory itself. We went in and then saw the Prime Meridian! This is where time begins! We have all sorts of pictures with us on it, etc. We also saw where they shoot the laser beam from at night marking the Prime Meridian and the telescope that is housed there. On the way back towards the bus we stopped at the Queen's House which has this fabulous Tulip Staircase which is the first spiral staircase in Britain without a central support. An episode of Footballer$ Wives was filmed here as well, which is one of my favorite shows! Once back in Bloomsbury we were going to go see Mozart's Requiem at St. Martin-in-the-Fields since it was his birthday but alas they were sold out! We went for gellato instead. Good day!
American Girl in London
About Me
- Name: cljohnsonuk
- Location: Maple Grove, Minnesota, United States
This fall I’m going back to the UK to get my Masters in Archaeology from the University of Edinburgh. In the mean time I'm making the most of the Minnesota summer! In general: I’m better suited to the European lifestyle; embrace other cultures, traditions, and religions; open-minded; and enjoy trying new things. Christine's Life Rules to Live By: 1) Live without regrets 2) Use your passport annually to be continued...
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
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